Allegations have surfaced suggesting the repeated improper removal of asbestos from Kilgore College in Kilgore, Texas. Two of the school’s trustees have responded by saying that the allegations will be addressed by the school. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and Texas State Department of Health Services received sworn statements by three college employees who

Railroad Asbestos Claims

OVER $30 BILLION DOLLARS have been set aside in bankruptcy trusts by the manufacturers of asbestos-containing products to compensate workers who were exposed to asbestos.  Payments from these trusts are based on a number of factors including historic settlement values, disease and injury classifications, and individual exposure history.  For most claims, the worker must have five

FORT WORTH, TEXAS – According to documents produced by BNSF Railway Company, many Asbestos-Containing Materials (ACM) were installed on locomotives and railcars.  The materials identified include: fabric wrap on water and steam lines; fabric wrap on compressor and governor lines; gaskets; and brake and clutch linings.  Likewise, Asbestos-Containing Materials were also present in various building materials including:  floor

The United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region 7, has released numerous records documenting the presence of asbestos-containing materials at the Union Pacific Railroad Company’s shops in Omaha, Nebraska. The documents were released under a Freedom of Information Act Request (EPA-R7-2014-004329) filed by attorney J. Kirkland Sammons with the law firm of Sammons & Berry, P.C., in Houston, Texas.  Mr. Sammons