As a railroad worker, you helped develop America’s economy and transportation system. Through repairs and inspections, you made sure railways were safe for passengers and cargo. Employers and manufacturers should have made sure railways were safe for you.
Unfortunately, they didn’t. Railroad equipment manufacturers knew asbestos exposure could cause irreversible damage to your health but did nothing to change their asbestos-containing products. Because of their negligence, they were required by the courts to set aside over $30 billion dollars to compensate affected railroad workers and their families.
If you worked as a railroader prior to 1982, there is a high chance you have been exposed to asbestos. Asbestos was a popular material for railroad equipment and buildings because of its heat-resistant properties. In particular, if you worked on older equipment or in repair yards, you may have inhaled dust containing asbestos as the parts wore down. Although your employment was decades ago, the symptoms of asbestos-related diseases can manifest 10-40 years after exposure, so it is important to monitor your health and watch for symptoms of exposure.
Asbestos-related diseases include cancers, such as mesothelioma and lung cancer. Mesothelioma is a deadly form of cancer, and the only known cause is asbestos exposure. Lung cancer kills more Americans than any other type of cancer, and thousands of cases are found to be from asbestos exposure. While these two cancers are the most common asbestos-related diseases, there are other diseases that can result from exposure to it, such as laryngeal or throat cancer, asbestosis, or other diseases related to scarring or inflammation of the lungs. Even if you do not have a diagnosis of a disease, but still think you may have been exposed to asbestos, it is important to pay attention to be aware of the symptoms and get your lungs screened every few years.
Whether you or a loved one have seen symptoms yet or not, don’t wait until it’s too late to see if you’re eligible for compensation. Claims need to be filed within a certain amount of time depending on your state, so act now. Sammons & Berry, P.C.‘s mission is to help those affected by asbestos exposure, such as railroad workers and their families, so call (800) 519-1440 today to speak to discuss your case, or submit details about your case here.
Taking legal action may sound overwhelming, but the process for asbestos-trust claims is actually very simple – it does not require a lawsuit, depositions, or courtrooms. Sammons & Berry, P.C. makes it as easy and quick as possible for you and your family to get the compensation you deserve. Sammons & Berry, P.C. charges on a contingent fee basis. If they do not collect anything for you, you do not owe them anything.
We don’t think it’s right that those who helped strengthen and repair America’s railways have to pay the price for corporations’ negligence. As an American railroad worker, you have the right to be compensated for your suffering due to asbestos exposure. Call (800) 519-1440 today for a FREE consultation about your case, and to receive the justice you deserve.